
Conceived and Directed by John Kurzynowski

Presented 24 October – 9 November 2013 at HERE Arts Center (NYC)
In the early years of the American drama, the forefathers of kitchen-sink realism were seeking to create a new form of storytelling in which characters and plot lines could be plucked from the everyday humdrum of American life. Tired of the melodramatic flare inherent in many popular dramatic works of the previous era, these artists were working together to rebel against the status quo by experimenting with the unknown and reveling in a process of development and discovery.

More than half a century later, eight ‘salesmen’ are tasked with creating their own unique form of theatrical storytelling by examining their forefathers' greatest works and challenging their methods. By looking to the past, they stumble forward into a new reality – a patchwork of style, drama, realism and what lies beyond – rebelling against the rules of ‘playwriting’ defined by the practices of their forefathers.

Created and Produced by Theater Reconstruction Ensemble

Associate Director: Lauren Swan-Potras
Performers: Michael Barringer, Hunter Canning, Jonathan Gordon, Eben Hoffer, Patrick Scorese, Nick Smerkanich, Hugh Trimble, Merlin Whitehawk
Designers: Jonathan Cottle, Aaron Ethan Green, Eben Hoffer, John Kurzynowski
Producer: Reed Whitney
Photos: Suzi Sadler
Video: Michael Barringer

“John Kurzynowski’s Salesmen is a modern experimental form simultaneously honoring its forefathers and breaking their rules at every turn. What results is a fresh, bold production from a voice that clearly has much to say. The young Theater Reconstruction Ensemble is one to watch.”

Show Business Weekly

Salesmen is an experimental wonderland. The performers are fearless in their explorations of the theatre space and even time itself. If you like work that challenges the boundaries of theatre and explores historical influences on contemporary theatrical attitudes then Salesmen is for you.”

Theatre Is Easy